The Hindu Daily Vocabulary: 30 September 2024

English vocabulary terms and phrases from an editorial published in The Hindu newspaper on September 30, 2024, including their definition in Hindi, synonyms, antonyms, and sentence usage.

Editorial: Demand flux: On growth dynamics: As urban consumption declines, growth dynamics could falter.

The Hindu Daily Vocabulary: 30 September 2024

English Vocabulary: 30 September 2024 Hindu Daily

Term Details
  • Pronunciation: /ˈpɔːr.tənts/
  • Part of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: A sign or indication that something significant or disastrous is likely to occur Hindu Daily.
  • Meaning in Hindi: संकेत, पूर्वसूचना
  • Synonyms: Omen, indication, warning, forewarning
  • Antonyms: Assurance, certainty
  • Use in a Sentence: The ominous clouds were interpreted as portents of an impending storm.
  • Use in Editorial: “India’s impressive 8.2% GDP growth in 2023-24 came with two concerning portents.”
K-shaped Consumption
  • Pronunciation: /keɪ ʃeɪpt kənˈsʌmp.ʃən/
  • Part of Speech: Phrase
  • Meaning: A trend where different segments of the economy recover at varying speeds, leading to a gap between high-income and low-income groups.
  • Meaning in Hindi: असमान उपभोग पैटर्न
  • Synonyms: Divergent consumption, unequal recovery
  • Antonyms: Uniform consumption, equal recovery
  • Use in a Sentence: The pandemic resulted in a K-shaped consumption trend, with luxury items experiencing a boom while essential goods lagged.
  • Use in Editorial: “Economists highlighted a K-shaped consumption pattern where higher-end goods and services saw significantly greater demand than others.”
Shore Up
  • Pronunciation: /ʃɔːr ʌp/
  • Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb
  • Meaning: To provide support or strengthen something that is weak or at risk of failing.
  • Meaning in Hindi: समर्थन करना, मज़बूत करना
  • Synonyms: Strengthen, bolster, reinforce
  • Antonyms: Weaken, undermine
  • Use in a Sentence: The government allocated funds to shore up the struggling economy.
  • Use in Editorial: “A favorable monsoon this year was expected to assist the agricultural sector and boost rural demand, thereby shoring up overall consumption.”
Virtuous Cycle
  • Pronunciation: /ˈvɜː.tʃu.əs saɪ.kl/
  • Part of Speech: Noun Phrase
  • Meaning: A self-sustaining series of positive events where one beneficial event leads to another.
  • Meaning in Hindi: गुणात्मक चक्र, लाभप्रद चक्र
  • Synonyms: Positive feedback loop, beneficial cycle
  • Antonyms: Vicious cycle, negative feedback loop
  • Use in a Sentence: Investments in infrastructure generate a virtuous cycle of growth and development.
  • Use in Editorial: “This eagerly anticipated result is crucial for initiating the virtuous cycle of increased investments leading to more jobs and higher consumption.”
  • Pronunciation: /fəˈtiːɡ/
  • Part of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: Severe tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion; a decrease in performance or enthusiasm.
  • Meaning in Hindi: थकान, अवसाद
  • Synonyms: Exhaustion, weariness, lethargy
  • Antonyms: Energy, vitality, alertness
  • Use in a Sentence: After months of strenuous work, the team exhibited signs of fatigue.
  • Use in Editorial: “However, a turn in this narrative may be forthcoming, as urban demand begins to show signs of fatigue.”

Vocabulary List Hindu Daily

Word Part of Speech Meaning Synonyms Antonyms Use in Sentence
Dissentient Adj. Opposed to the prevailing opinion or the majority view. (भिन्न-मत का) Dissenting, dissident, disagreeing Conforming, conformist The proposal was approved, with one vote in dissent.
Clandestinely Adv. Done secretly and often illegally. (गुप्त रूप से) Covertly, collusively, furtively Openly, publicly We took a clandestine helicopter trip one evening and kept our observations entirely to ourselves.
Assortment Noun A diverse collection of items or individuals. (वर्गीकरण) Mixture, variety, array Homogeneity, uniformity, likeness This store offers a wide assortment of products to select from.
Demure Adj. Characterized by modesty and shyness, often used to describe women. (संकोची) Modest, unassuming, meek Uncoy, extroverted, immodest Shy and demure, she barely uttered a word at the banquet.
Ephemeral Adj. Existing only for a short duration. (अल्पकालिक) Brief, transient, evanescent Endless, enduring, eternal Her fame as a popular singer was fleeting.
Mundane Adj. Lacking excitement or interest; tedious. (सांसारिक) Dull, humdrum, boring Engaging, captivating, extraordinary I found the work to be quite mundane.
Allegiance Noun A commitment or loyalty of a subordinate to a superior or to a group or cause. (निष्ठा) Loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness Disloyalty, treachery, faithlessness The FBI requires its staff to show complete allegiance to the agency.
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