Google Doodle celebrates flat white coffee

On March 11, the Google Doodle commemorates the popular frothy drink called flat white coffee. The animated depiction features a cup, coffee pot, spoonful of espresso, and coffee beans. Initially, the cup is empty, but as coffee and steamed milk are poured in, a cheerful face emerges on its side. The term “flat white” was officially recognized by the Oxford English Dictionary on this date in 2011, having originated in Australia and New Zealand during the 1980s.

Google Doodle celebrates flat white coffee

This beverage can be crafted using either dairy or plant-based milk.

Described as “flatter” compared to a cappuccino or latte, flat whites find favor among coffee enthusiasts seeking a lower foam content, as per information provided on Google’s website.

Frequently, baristas showcase their expertise by pouring the coffee in an artistic manner, a common practice in numerous cafes throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Google Doodle commemorates Mother’s Day 2024 by highlighting the popularity of flat white coffee among coffee enthusiasts who prefer a beverage with less foam than a cappuccino or latte. In cafes across Australia and New Zealand, baristas often entice customers with their skills, creating appealing artwork during the preparation of this flatter coffee variant.

The evolution of coffee culture has brought changes to the preparation of flat whites, once traditionally made with whole milk. Nowadays, it’s common to see Australians and New Zealanders opting for plant-based milk options like oat milk when ordering a flat white.

As the flat white continues to gain popularity, it has become a favorite globally, delighting many and establishing itself as a staple in various nations. The Google Doodle description emphasizes that, regardless of its origins, coffee lovers worldwide unanimously consider it a preferred morning or afternoon pick-me-up.

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